Thursday, April 15, 2010

Last Day!

I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! It has flown right by. Now I just have to take my final, and pick up my cap and gown. Weird. This could be my very last day of school ever, unless I decide to go back and get my masters. If I do, that wont be for a couple years. We'll see what happens. Today was really easy and a great experience to end with. Now I just have to find a New Mexico.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Done with requirements!

Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm done with all my requirements. I guess things really do end up working out when your doing all you can...even if it doesn't seem like it's going to go well at all. Today ended up being a really good day! It was nice having a smooth clinic day again...finally! We're almost done! I can't wait!

Monday, April 5, 2010

I passed!

I have officially passed all of my board exams! Wahoooo!!! Life is good!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Well, to add to the 2:00 patient no showed as well. I'm sitting here praying that the last two weeks of clinic will be better than my last two weeks have been. Sometimes it's no fun having to rely on other people. Oh well, that's life.

2 weeks in a row :(

Well, my patient didn't show up again! I really wasn't very happy, but I'm feeling a little bit better now. It's frustrating when people either don't call to let you know they aren't coming in, or they call you at the last minute...and to do it two weeks in a row...ahhhhh! I was finally able to find someone to come in, but he can't make it until 2:00. At least he's coming. I hope I can get something done and hopefully he'll be able to come in again so I can finish him up. I think he should be a good qualification for me. As long as I don't have any more no shows I will hopefully get the requirements I need. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Oh! I almost forgot, I passed all the WREB exams! Yea! Now I'm just waiting to here back about the National Board. :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What a Day...

This morning my patient showed up and unfortunately had a cold sore. :( I felt worse for her than I did for myself because she drove all the way from Brigham City. Soooo, I called about 10 different people to try to fill the open spot. No luck. Then I finally got lucky! One of the midtown patients needed to get his teeth cleaned and he was a class 4 yea! Only two quads, but anything I can get is great! That ended up going really well. Now I'm just sitting here waiting for my afternoon patient who has not showed up yet. :( I was really excited for her to come in because last semester she was half a 3 and half a 4. Two things I desperately need. Hopefully she comes!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Last week before boards!

I can't believe a week from today I'll be taking WREB, I will have already taken anesthesia, and I'll be taking the National Board in two days. That is soooo weird! The last day of clinic went pretty good. The morning was great and the afternoon was OK. I learned more about a few things that will help me out with WREB so that was good. I really really hope everything goes well. I know we're supposed to be positive and I'm trying, but I'm still kind of scared too. I'm doing OK though. I still have a few more days to study hard. I'm crossing my fingers for all of us!